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Laxmi Daily Feast Chola Dal 500 Gram
Product Code: Chola 1
Availability: In Stock
You Pay:
MRP: Rs98.00
(Inc Of All Taxes)
Lot No. 02/25 Month of packaging:    February, 2025
Net Weight - 1 Kg.
0 reviews
This product has a maximum quantity of 5

Lic. No
Lic. No.: 10718004000266
Packed By:
Patel Shanabhai Darubhai & Co.
B/h. Bus Depot, N. H. No. 8
At: Vasad 388306, Gujarat, India
Customer Care No. +91-2692-274143

Chola Dal or Black-eyed beans also known as Lobia and cow peas are creamy white in colour and have a black mark on their inner curve. The skin of black-eyed beans is quite thick. It has a subtle, nutty aroma and a rich creamy taste that is slightly earthy. It is a subspecies of the cowpea, grown for its medium-sized edible bean, which has a unique natural taste that is nice even without spices! Split black lentils with skin.

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